Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day One - Recognizing a problem

Hello!  I don't know who you are, if I've ever met you, or even if anyone is really reading my blog.  This is meant to be an echo of my thoughts as I progress through my journey becoming a runner.  That said, I don't believe I can write about my fitness goals in isolation of the rest of my life.  So, welcome to my thoughts!

In October 2010, I had an epiphany.  Sometime between graduating high school and graduate school, I became sedentary.  In college, I discovered TV.  Law & Order, Alias, and Grey's Anatomy were the most common excuses for avoiding homework or skipping class.  Did I counteract my TV craze with exercise or diet?  Absolutely not.  Instead, I gained 50 pounds in seven years.

Blimp phase.

Okay, so I wasn't exactly a full-sized blimp, but I certainly felt like it.  In 2008, I hired a personal trainer and began exercising several times per week.  I lost 30 pounds and felt like a million bucks.  Then winter came.

Enter: Blimp phase II.

None of my clothes fit correctly.  I debated replacing my wardrobe but decided I didn't want to spend the money.  Instead, a friend told me about the 5k101 (RunningMate) podcast.  That was in October.

It is now the end of December 2010.  I just completed Week 7 of the program and am gearing up for 20-minute intervals.  Every time I run is now a new personal record (PR) for me.

I registered for my first 5k race in May and will run/walk a half-marathon the next day.  The training continues......stay tuned....